. . "Herman Löwenberg family papers"@eng . "Herman Alexander Löwenberg (1887-1965) was a liqueur manufacturer and wine dealer in Görlitz. He was married to Else Löwenberg (née Gradnauer, 1902-1998), and the couple had two children, Eveline (Evelyn Apte, 1929- ) and Gerhard (Gerald Lowen, 1926-1993). The family immigrated to the United States in February 1937, bypassing the quota system by exchanging properties with a couple in Portland, Oregon who wanted to move to Germany. The Löwenbergs became citizens in 1943 and changed their name to Lowen. Else Löwenberg’s younger sister and brother-in-law, Hilde and Harry Nathanson, tried to immigrate to the United States via Cuba aboard the MS St. Louis but were returned to Europe and subsequently deported from Drancy to Auschwitz in September 1942. Else Löwenberg’s older sister, Lotte, emigrated to Shanghai with her husband, Fritz Abrahamowsky. Following the death of their father, Siegfried Gradnauer (1865-1940), in Berlin, their mother, Blanka Gradnauer (1876-1940), took the Trans-Siberian railroad to Shanghai but contacted an illness en route and died shortly after her arrival."@eng . "Herman Löwenberg family papers"@eng . .