. . "Naumann family papers"@eng . "Ilse Sternberger (1914-2002) was born in Breslau (now Wrocław, Poland) to Franz Joseph Kurt Naumann (Kurt, 1874- 1942) and Frieda Naumann (nee Weiss). She married Marcel Sternberger (1899-1956) in 1933, their son was born in 1935 in Brussels, and their daughter in 1936 in London. Marcel Sternberger was born in Máramarossziget, Hungary (now Sighetu Marmaţiei, Romania) to Hermann and Regina Perls Sternberger. Marcel immigrated to the United States in 1939 or 1940, and Ilse and the children followed in June 1940. Frieda Naumann died in Chełm in 1941. Kurt Naumann was born in Dresden, practiced law in Gross-Strehlitz (now Strzelce Opolskie, Poland), resigned in protest in 1937, and moved to Breslau, where he worked for the Jewish welfare office and the Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland. He was deported to Theresienstadt and murdered at Treblinka in 1942.\n\nAlbert Nothmann (1885-1961) was a wholesale merchant and former neighbor of the Naumann family in Gross-Strehlitz (now Strzelce Opolskie, Poland). The Nothmann family fled to Berlin during the Nazi period, hoping to hide under false identities. Albert and his twin brother, Fritz, were deported to Theresienstadt in June 1943, transferred to Auschwitz in May 1944, were subject to examination by Josef Mengele, and were liberated by the Russians in January 1945. Albert eventually immigrated to the United States."@eng . "Naumann family papers"@eng . .