. . "Margaret Klein Goetz family correspondence"@eng . "Margaret Klein Goetz (1909-2010) was born in Heidelberg to Heinrich Klein (1876-approximately 1944), a hops and tobacco merchant, and Melanie Sondheimer Klein (1883-approximately 1942). She studied chemistry in Berlin and immigrated to America in 1936, where she stayed with relatives in Buffalo before finding work near Detroit. Her parents and her sister Hilde (1914-approximately 1942) were deported from Heidelberg to the concentration camp at Gurs in October 1940. Heinrich Klein was then transferred to Les Milles, Rivesaltes, Nexon, Masseube, back to Gurs, Noé, and le Vernet. Melanie and Hilde Klein are believed to have been transported to Auschwitz in September 1942 and Heinrich Klein in June 1944. Goetz’s other sister, Lotte Malz (1915- ), had emigrated to Palestine in 1935. Goetz eventually moved to Los Angeles and married Richard Goetz (1884-1974), whom she had met in Detroit."@eng . "Margaret Klein Goetz family correspondence"@eng . .