. . "Leonard Lief correspondence"@eng . "Leonard Lief, son of Abel and Feige Liwszyc, relocated from Warsaw to Montreal in 1929 or 1930 with his twin brother, who died of food poisoning shortly after. He moved to New York City by 1932. His parents remained in Warsaw with his sister Rejsla and brother Jozef. Other family members in Warsaw included sister-in-law Mina Liwszyc, nephews Motek Szkolnikow and Ryszard (Rysza) Liwszyc, niece Irena (Irka) Ryger, and her husband Dawid Ryger. All are believed to have been killed in the Holocaust. The family name is variously spelled Liwszyc, Livskitz, Livshitz, and Liwschitz, and Leonard changed it to Lief in America."@eng . "Leonard Lief correspondence"@eng . .