Capture of Josef Meisinger an entity of type: Instantiation

Capture of Josef Meisinger 
From 1936-1938, Josef Meisinger was the head of the Reich Central Office for Combating Abortion and Homosexuality. In 1939 he was sent to Warsaw as the Commander of the Security Police, and from 1941-1945 he was stationed at the German Embassy in Tokyo, in which position he made unsuccessful attempts to convince the Japanese to exterminate the Jewish population of Shanghai. He was captured by the Americans in Japan but extradited to Poland, where he was executed in 1947. Lt. Col Jennis R. Galloway had recently relinquished command of the 441CIC (Counter Intelligence Corps), the theater headquarters for the entire CIC in the Pacific. He had accepted this assignment in order to get back to the US as quickly as possible and see his recent bride who had returned ahead of him. His son, Peter, contacted the Film and Video Archive in February 2016. 
Capture of Josef Meisinger 

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