Hitler declares war on US, meets French diplomats; Himmler & Bach-Zelewski visit camp near Minsk

http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/instantiations/us-005578-irn1001625-eng-irn1001625_eng an entity of type: Instantiation

Hitler declares war on US, meets French diplomats; Himmler & Bach-Zelewski visit camp near Minsk 
United States Navy Lieutenant E. R. Kellogg certifies motion pictures of Nazi concentration camps in an affidavit presented in the"Nazi Concentration Camp" film by the Americans as evidence during the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg. Kellogg had expertise in motion picture and photographic techniques through his employment with Twentieth Century Fox Studios in California from 1929 to 1941. He attests that he has thoroughly examined the concentration camp liberation films of the Army Signal Corps and found them to be unaltered, genuine, and true copies of the originals in the U.S. Army Signal Corps vaults. 
Hitler declares war on US, meets French diplomats; Himmler & Bach-Zelewski visit camp near Minsk 

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