. . "Rauter Trial, Westerbork"@eng . "Anna Maria\"Settel\" Steinbach was born on December 23, 1934 in Buchten (the seventh of ten children). Her father, Heinrich\"Moeselma\" was a trader and a violinist, her mother, Emilia\"Toetel\" ran their household. In July 1943, the German occupation authorities in the Netherlands instituted a prohibition against the movement of wagons and concentrated them in assembly camps. Settela and her family ended up in Eindhoven, and were rounded up and transferred to Westerbork transit camp on May 16, 1944. Settela was filmed in Westerbork on the May 19, 1944 train transport to Auschwitz, moments before the railcar door was bolted and locked. The 246 Sinti and Roma, including Settela and some of her family members, were in goods wagons 12 to 17, just at the moment that Jewish prisoner Rudolf Breslauer was ordered by camp commander Gemmecker to film the events. Settela was gassed in Auschwitz-Birkenau, probably during the night of 2-3 August 1944, possibly along with her mother, two brothers, and two sisters, and other Sinti and Roma during the Zigeunerlager liquidation. Consult\"Settel\" by Aad Wagenaar and the documentary film\"Settel\" by Dutch filmmaker Cherry Duyns (1994)."@eng . "Rauter Trial, Westerbork"@eng . .