Перший поліцейський участок Префектури поліції міста Одеси

http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/instantiations/ua-003327-p_2352-eng an entity of type: Instantiation

Перший поліцейський участок Префектури поліції міста Одеси  
The Police Prefecture functioned in Odessa during the German-Romanian occupation of the city (October 1941 through January 1944), when it was the administrative center of the Governorate of Transnistria ; it was under the command of the governor and comprised ten police precincts (the first, second, and ninth precincts being located in the city center). Police organs consisted of a criminal department and a department of the Siguranţă. Their functions included the maintenance of the occupation regime, transportation requisition, mobilizing citizens for forced labor, etc. 
Перший поліцейський участок Префектури поліції міста Одеси  

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