3 відділ УДБ НКВС УРСР – 2 управління НКДБ- КДБ УРСР

http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/instantiations/ua-003309-1-eng-ua_003309_1_eng an entity of type: Instantiation

3 відділ УДБ НКВС УРСР – 2 управління НКДБ- КДБ УРСР 
Creation of counterintelligence units of Soviet Ukraine began when in March 1922 the State Political Directorate (hereafter - DPU) under the NKVD of the Ukrainian SSR was established. By decision of the Collegium of the DPU on May 6-8, 1922, a counter-intelligence unit (hereinafter - CRV) was created, which had to deal with the subversion of foreign intelligence, foreign anti-Soviet centers and counter-revolutionary organizations that existed in the country. Under this name, the CRV functioned in 1922-1929, 1935-1941. From 1929 to 1935, this unit was part of a special department. In February 1941, there was established the 2nd (counterintelligence) office, which worked until 1991. The Counter-Intelligence authorities of the UkrSSR from the time of creation and up to the end of the 1930-ies carried out operational actions against the intelligence activities of Britain, France, USA and other countries. During the Second World War, counterintelligence units worked closely with the military counterintelligence, directing their efforts on preventing the intelligence, subversion and terrorist activities of the special services of Germany in the Eastern Front. After the end of World War II, within the context of the Cold War, the counterintelligence units of the Ukrainian SSR carried out operational actions against the intelligence and subversive activities of the US, British, French, and other Western countries special forces. 
3 відділ УДБ НКВС УРСР – 2 управління НКДБ- КДБ УРСР 

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