. . "Šarišsko - Zemplínska župa"@eng . "Based on the Law No. 190/1939 the territory of Slovakia (1939-1945) was divided into six administrative territories called County (Župa). One of this six counties was Šariš-Zemplín County with the seat in Prešov where the County Office of the Šariš-Zemplín County was established and acting from 1 January 1940. The County Office of the Šariš-Zemplín County was superior body of the state administration to the District Offices of several districts included into the Šariš-Zemplín County from 1 January 1940.\r\nCounty consists of the following districts: Bardejov, Giraltovce, Humenné, Medzilaborce, Michalovce, Sabinov, Stropkov (with the branch office in Vyšný Svidník - from 1942 as separate district Vyšný Svidník), Trebišov and Vranov nad Topľou.\r\nThe Head of the County nominated by the government was in charge of the County Office. The whole Office was subordinated to the Ministry of Interior."@eng . "Šarišsko - Zemplínska župa"@eng . .