Magistrát župného mesta Levice an entity of type: Instantiation

Magistrát župného mesta Levice 
Following the First Vienna Award the town of Levice (Hungarian: Léva) was occupied by Hungarian forces on 10 November 1938. Based on the order of the military command Hungarian army established the mayor of the town. On 9 March 1939 the municipality council of Levice discussed and agreed upon the decision to change the town of Levice to the city with the Municipality Office, the County City (Hungarian: megyei város). Based on the ruling the prime minister No. 6460/1939 Levice became a County City effective of 15 July 1939. The mayor of the City and his deputy were named based on the ruling of the Minister of Interior No. 35.882/1939-IV. The Deputy Mayor was also a Notary of the City. The Municipality Office existed from 23. August 1939 to 20 December 1944, i.e. to the liberation of city. 
Magistrát župného mesta Levice 

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