. . "Hlavnoslúžnovský úrad v Košiciach"@eng . "Based on the Vienna Arbitration (2 November 1938) Košice and its vicinity were occupied by Hungarian army on November 10, 1938. The former District Office in Košice evacuated and the city of Košice (Kassa) became the City of Municipal Right with the special competences. At the same time, it became the seat of the Chief Constable´s Office in Košice (Főszolgabírói hivatal Kassa) as the regional state administrative body with 12 subordinated notary offices in the surrounding territory.\r\nThe creation of the Chief Constable´s Office was not immediate as right after the occupation of Košice (Kassa) the District military administration of the surrounding territory of Košice was established. Lt. Col. Kertész served as the head of this administration. The military administration lasted until the 22 December 1938 when the Chief Constable´s Office was created. Its head was Dr. Koloman Katra who held this position until 15 October 1944 and was then replaced by J. Hutka."@eng . "Hlavnoslúžnovský úrad v Košiciach"@eng . .