. . "Okresný ľudový súd v Moldave nad Bodvou"@eng . "Following the Second World War trials with Nazi criminals and their collaborators were organized on the territory of restored Czechoslovakia just like in many other European countries of those days. The three-tier retributive justice system was established in the Slovak part of post-war Czechoslovakia by the Regulation of the Slovak National Council no. 33/1945 on the Punishment of Fascist Criminals, Occupants, Traitors, and Collaborators and on the Establishment of People’s Judiciary.\r\nDistrict People’s Courts (Okresný ľudový súd), which were established at district seats with the jurisdiction over the territory of specific districts represented the second tier within the system of the retributive judiciary in Slovakia. Within their jurisdiction fall all criminal offenses stipulated by the Regulation No. 33/1945 with the exception of cases under the exclusive jurisdiction of the National Court (which tried only the leading officials of former Slovak Republic (1939-1945)).\r\nA 5-member Senates of District People´s Courts, consisting of a Senate president and four-member decided cases. The Senate president and his deputy had to be professional judges."@eng . "Okresný ľudový súd v Moldave nad Bodvou"@eng . .