Narodowe Sily Zbrojne an entity of type: Instantiation

Narodowe Sily Zbrojne 
The military formation established in September 1942 on the initiative of a number of right-wing underground groups (Narodowy Związek Wojskowy [the National Military Union], Związek Jaszczurczy [the Lizard Union], and others). Pursuant to an agreement signed in March 1944, one faction of the NSZ merged with the AK, while another group, known as Brygada Świętokrzyska (the “Świętokrzyska Brigade”), left Polish territory and, with the acquiescence of the Germans, relocated to Western Europe. Some units of the NSZ remained very active after the war, fighting the new Communist regime. It is charged with a great many anti-Jewish campaigns and provocations both during the occupation and after the war. It published many underground papers, including Szaniec (Entrenchment), Agencja (Agency) and Narodowa Agencja Prasowa (National Press Agency). 
Narodowe Sily Zbrojne 

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