Documentation, including a list of Jewish refugees from Poland who are in Hungary that was sent to Saly Mayer by Nathan Schwalb, a letter written by Israel Kasztner to Saly Mayer regarding the negotiations with the SS, a report by Philip von Freudiger reg an entity of type: Instantiation

Documentation, including a list of Jewish refugees from Poland who are in Hungary that was sent to Saly Mayer by Nathan Schwalb, a letter written by Israel Kasztner to Saly Mayer regarding the negotiations with the SS, a report by Philip von Freudiger reg 
Documentation, including a list of Jewish refugees from Poland who are in Hungary that was sent to Saly Mayer by Nathan Schwalb, a letter written by Israel Kasztner to Saly Mayer regarding the negotiations with the SS, a report by Philip von Freudiger reg 

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