Six diaries by Saly Mayer, regarding relief to persecuted Jews and Jewish refugees in Europe, his speech concerning his appointment to the Pro Juventute (Swiss fund for help to youth) council, and regarding Israel Kasztner and the ARBA [?] negotiations an an entity of type: Instantiation

Six diaries by Saly Mayer, regarding relief to persecuted Jews and Jewish refugees in Europe, his speech concerning his appointment to the Pro Juventute (Swiss fund for help to youth) council, and regarding Israel Kasztner and the ARBA [?] negotiations an 
Six diaries by Saly Mayer, regarding relief to persecuted Jews and Jewish refugees in Europe, his speech concerning his appointment to the Pro Juventute (Swiss fund for help to youth) council, and regarding Israel Kasztner and the ARBA [?] negotiations an 

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