Correspondence between M. Keller with the Finaly family relatives (Fischel, Kaufmann and Rosner) regarding the legal struggle against Mlle. Brun, headmistress of the Grenoble orphanage, and the French Church officials, concerning returning the Finaly chi an entity of type: Instantiation
Correspondence between M. Keller with the Finaly family relatives (Fischel, Kaufmann and Rosner) regarding the legal struggle against Mlle. Brun, headmistress of the Grenoble orphanage, and the French Church officials, concerning returning the Finaly chi
Correspondence between M. Keller with the Finaly family relatives (Fischel, Kaufmann and Rosner) regarding the legal struggle against Mlle. Brun, headmistress of the Grenoble orphanage, and the French Church officials, concerning returning the Finaly chi