Tickets for concert at Terezin Ghetto &"Kaiser von Atlanti" by Ullmann Viktor & Poster – Die Stadtkapelle (Taube Carlo) & Poster of"Stadt Kapell" (Taube Carlo, Deutsch Peter) + Poster (Ledeč) + Poster – Ghetto Swingers, 1944 + Poster of Tosca – opera from Puccini by Klein E.F. an entity of type: Instantiation

Tickets for concert at Terezin Ghetto &"Kaiser von Atlanti" by Ullmann Viktor & Poster – Die Stadtkapelle (Taube Carlo) & Poster of"Stadt Kapell" (Taube Carlo, Deutsch Peter) + Poster (Ledeč) + Poster – Ghetto Swingers, 1944 + Poster of Tosca – opera from Puccini by Klein E.F. 
Tickets for concert at Terezin Ghetto &"Kaiser von Atlanti" by Ullmann Viktor & Poster – Die Stadtkapelle (Taube Carlo) & Poster of"Stadt Kapell" (Taube Carlo, Deutsch Peter) + Poster (Ledeč) + Poster – Ghetto Swingers, 1944 + Poster of Tosca – opera from Puccini by Klein E.F. 

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