. . "Szociális Osztály iratai (Documents of the Social Department)"@hun . "The Social Department of the Council was created by the incorporation of the largest Jewish welfare and aid organization, the Welfare Bureau of Hungarian Israelites that was established in 1938 to ease the negative economic consequences of the Hungarian anti-Jewish legislation. It was brought to life by the joint efforts of all three Jewish community networks: the National Office of Hungarian Israelites (Neologue), the Central Office of the Autonomous Orthodox Israelite Denomination of Hungary (Orthodox) and the National Alliance of the Status Quo Ante Communites (Status Quo Ante). In 1939 the Zionists joined the organization as well. The Social Department also included the administration of the nationwide charity effort called the National Hungarian Jewish Aid Action. In May 1944, the Countryside Department of the Jewish Council was merged into the Social Department. The Department’s main task was to coordinate the aid, relief and welfare work of the Council. The Department leaned on a network of building commissioners elected by the tenants of the yellow-star buildings. The commissioners reported to the Department on the welfare needs of the building community. The Social Department was one of the largest administrative units of the Council – at the end of August 1944, 220 people were employed here. The identifiable subunits of this department include the following: Countryside Department, Family Protection Department, Central Aid, Legal Department, Accounting, National Hungarian Jewish Aid Action Department, Child Protection Department, Human Resources."@hun . "Szociális Osztály iratai (Documents of the Social Department)"@hun . .