Budapesti Nemzeti Bizottság iratai. A náci és nyilas rémtettek kivizsgálására alakult bizottság iratai an entity of type: Instantiation

Budapesti Nemzeti Bizottság iratai. A náci és nyilas rémtettek kivizsgálására alakult bizottság iratai 
The documentation of the Holocaust (avant la lettre) started in Hungary practically as soon as the war had ended and it took various major forms. The documentation project pursued by the Committee for the Investigation of Nazi and Arrow Cross Atrocities (A náci és nyilas rémtetteket vizsgáló bizottság) were among the most important Hungarian state-based forms of Holocaust documentation. Within days of the liberation of Budapest in February, 1945, the National Committee of Budapest decided to establish this Committee for the Investigation of Nazi and Arrow Cross Atrocities with the aim of making the horrible recent atrocities known as widely as possible. The Committee was to create around twelve thousand files based on the accounts of survivors of persecution and other eyewitnesses. The Committee was also responsible for several other tasks such as the exhumation of victims in unmarked mass graves and providing them with decent burials that also contributed to its project of investigation and documentation. 
Budapesti Nemzeti Bizottság iratai. A náci és nyilas rémtettek kivizsgálására alakult bizottság iratai 

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