. . "Δηλώσεις Περιουσιών προς τις Γερμανικές Αρχές (1943)"@eng . "The largest prewar Greek Jewish comm\r\nunity was in Salonika, located in\r\nnorthern Greece and later in the German occ\r\nupied zone. At the time of the German\r\noccupation, Salonika had a Jewish popul\r\nation of about 50,000. In July 1942, 2,000\r\nJewish males in Salonika were assigned to\r\nforced-labor projects for the German army.\r\nAnother 7,000 were ransomed from the Nazis\r\nwith funds raised in desperation by the\r\nJewish community. In February\r\n1943, the Germans concentrated the Jews of\r\nSalonika in two ghetto areas of the city. Be\r\ntween March and August of that year, German\r\nofficials deported over 40,000 Jews from\r\nSalonika to the Auschwitz-Birkenau\r\nextermination camp. SS members stationed at\r\nBirkenau murdered virtually all of the\r\nSalonikan Jews upon arrival. "@eng . "Δηλώσεις Περιουσιών προς τις Γερμανικές Αρχές (1943)"@eng . .