. . "Αρχείο της Ισραηλιτικής Κοινότητας Πατρών"@eng . "In 1940, the combined Jewish Community of Patras and Agrinio consisted of 265 individuals. During the German occupation, the order of 8 October 1943, for the Community’s members to be registered, was widely resisted. All the Jews of Agrinion fled to the mountains, while in Patras the Germans managed, mainly with the help of their local\r\ncollaborators, to arrest and deport 213 members of the Community. 152 of those survived and returned after the war, but the Community was a mere shadow of its former self. Apart from the dead in the Holocaust, the number of surviving Jewish families gradually waned, mainly because many of them chose to relocate to other cities in Greece or ab\r\nroad. Being declared inactive in 1970, the Community was officially dissolved in 1991. In 1984 the Jewish Community of Patras was dissolved for lack of members and the interior of its synagogue, along with its textiles and ritual objects was bequeathed to the Museum. These religious artifacts are extremely significant, invaluable and irreplaceable, since they come, for the most part, from synagogues and communities, which no longer exist."@eng . "Αρχείο της Ισραηλιτικής Κοινότητας Πατρών"@eng . .