. . "Papers of Rabbi Solomon Schonfeld"@eng . "Rabbi Solomon Schonfeld (1912-84) was the son of Dr Avigdor Schonfeld, the founder of the Jewish Secondary Schools Movement. In 1933 Solomon Schonfeld became rabbi of the Adath Yisrael Synagogue; he succeeded his father as principal of the Jewish Secondary Schools Movement, becoming also the presiding rabbi of the Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations and president of the National Council for Jewish Religious Day Schools in Great Britain. From its foundation in 1938 until 1946, Schonfeld was executive director of the Chief Rabbi's Religious Emergency Council, formed under the auspices of his father-in-law, Chief Rabbi J.H.Hertz: part of the work of this organisation was the rescue of Jews from Central and Eastern Europe and Schonfeld was personally involved in escorting groups of Jewish children from the ghettos in Poland to Great Britain."@eng . "Papers of Rabbi Solomon Schonfeld"@eng . .