. . "Archives of Jewish Care"@eng . "A century of social service 1859-1959: the Jewish Board of Guardians\n\nJewish Care was formed on 1 January 1990 from an amalgamation of the Jewish Welfare Board and the Jewish Blind Society. Its objects are 'the relief of persons of the Jewish faith (wherever resident but in particular those residing in the United Kingdom) who are in need, or suffering sickness, hardship or distress, or who suffer visual or other physical or mental impairment resulting in disability or handicap', continuing the work of the three principal organisations it succeeded. The archives contain primarily the papers of these three organisations, the Board of Guardians for the Relief of the Jewish Poor, founded in 1859 and commonly called the Jewish Board of Guardians or the Jewish Welfare Board; the Jewish Association for the Protection of Girls, Women and Children, founded in 1885 as the Jewish Ladies' Society for Preventive and Rescue Work, to counter the white slave trade; and the Jewish Blind Society, founded in 1819 as the Institution for the Relief of the Indigent Blind of the Jewish Persuasion. The Board of Guardians subsumed the activities of the Jewish Association for the Protection of Girls, Women and Children on 1 January 1947; and, in 1963, there was an administrative merger between the Board and the Norwood Jewish Children's Society, although the latter retained its separate identity. (V.D.Lipman (London, 1959) provides a history of the Board and the Association.)"@eng . "Archives of Jewish Care"@eng . .