Grete Sacki (Mayer): Personal papers an entity of type: Instantiation

Grete Sacki (Mayer): Personal papers 
Grete Mayer was born on 24 October 1901 in Frankfurt am Main, the daughter of the Jewish businessman Willy Mayer. She graduated from the Schiller-Schule, Frankfurt, then the Handelsschule, Frankfurt with a certificate. After jobs in an old people's home and as a book-keeper in a bank she began a career in social work as a volunteer in the Jewsh community and in 1928 graduated as a social worker with a special interest in children.

She married Seefried Mayer in March 1929 and sometime between then and 1939 they came to the Great Britain where she worked as a nurse and a voluntary social worker throughout the war years. Up to at least 1956 she worked in the field of psychiatric social work. Little more is known of her life beyond the fact that her husband died in 1969. 
Grete Sacki (Mayer): Personal papers 

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