Otto Bendix: letter to wife an entity of type: Instantiation

Otto Bendix: letter to wife 
Mrs E. Lintello, the depositor, describes in a letter to the Wiener Library in 1985 how Otto Bendix had been 'a rich and spoilt, fun-loving man of the world'. She describes his wife as 'her dearest and closest friend...[that she was] 20 years his junior, totally aryan'. She also describes how she never heard from her husband again and that all efforts to trace him were unsuccessful.

The Gedenkbuch Berlins der jüdischen Opfer des Nationalsozialismus lists Otto Bendix as having died on 8 January 1943, having been transported from his home in Berlin, Wilmersdorf on 3 October 1942. The letter can therefore be dated at some time shortly before the latter date. 
Otto Bendix: letter to wife 

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