Breymesser & Co.: Pro forma daily report sheet an entity of type: Instantiation

Breymesser & Co.: Pro forma daily report sheet 

The donor found the form among a stack of random papers in his grandfather's house, which is in Zellingen, a village near Würzburg, in northern Bavaria. Unfortunately, it is not known how the grandfather obtained it.

The donor has a detailed record of his grandfather's biography, not least because he wrote a lengthy memoir focused mainly on his wartime experiences. It is doubtful, however, that any of this detail relates to the form. He was born in 1926, drafted into the Wehrmacht as a teenager, and, having never seen active combat, was captured at age 18 by the Red Army while stationed in Czechia. It is thought that neither he, nor any member of the immediate family, had any connections to the SS, camps, etc. It is possible that he picked up the form while abroad during or shortly after the war. The camps mentioned on the form are Austrian, which is obviously relatively near to where he was stationed. It is equally possible that he picked this up from some sort of school archive, as he was a teacher all his life.

Breymesser & Co.: Pro forma daily report sheet 

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