. . "Vera Klara Cohn: papers concerning Kurt Singer"@eng . "Vera Klara Cohn (1912-2007) was born in Berlin, the younger of two sisters. She was working as a secretary, did some fashion modelling and made a number of friends and acquaintances in the Berlin film industry. Vera and her sister Gerda emigrated in 1938. Their parents perished at Theresienstadt concentration camp. Vera initially worked as a domestic servant for a family in Hampstead, London. She later worked as a secretary at a fashion house. In 1951 Vera got married to Hans Max Cohn (1900-1984).
Nothing is known about Vera's relationship to Kurt Singer. Kurt Singer (1885-1944) was a conductor, musician and musicologist. He was dismissed as a Jew from his roles in Germany's musical life after Hitler's takeover in 1933. He then turned to Jewish undertakings and from 1933-1938 led the Berlin Jüdischer Kulturbund (Jewish Culture League), an organisation devoted to Jewish culture performed by and for Jews."@eng . "Vera Klara Cohn: papers concerning Kurt Singer"@eng . .