Friedrich and Hertha Lewinski: personal papers an entity of type: Instantiation

Friedrich and Hertha Lewinski: personal papers 
Friedrich ‘Fritz’ Lewinski (born 1889 in Wormditt, East Prussia, now Orneta, Poland) served as a physician in the German army during World War One. In 1916 he got married to Hertha Lewinski (born 1893), daughter of Fanny neé Loewenstein and Max Zacharias. He worked as a GP in Tilsit (now Sovetsk, Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia) and was an active member of the local Jewish sports group 'Schild' ('Sportbund des Reichsbundes jüdischer Frontsoldaten e.V.'). According to the documents the couple and their son Gerhard began preparing for emigration in 1938 and must have emigrated shortly afterwards. 
Friedrich and Hertha Lewinski: personal papers 

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