Nora Keren: Personal papers an entity of type: Instantiation

Nora Keren: Personal papers 
Nora Keren was the daughter of Klara Waller and granddaughter of Frieda and Josef Waller. Josef and Frieda (née Hirschmann) Waller had three children, Klara, Fritz and Theo. They owned a butcher's shop in Grosskrotzenburg, Hesse. Frieda's mother's maiden name was Selig which is why she was known as 'Seligs Frieda' by the community in Grosskrotzenburg. Fritz and Theo Waller emigrated to Palestine in 1935, their sister Klara followed in 1938. Their parents moved to Frankfurt in May 1939. The grandchildren of Josef and Frieda Waller, Nora Keren who lives in England, Yael Herz, daughter of Fritz Waller and Naomi Rozen, daughter of Theo Waller who both live in Israel, were guests at the opening of the former synagogue in Grosskrotzenburg in 1992. 
Nora Keren: Personal papers 

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