Hugo Nothmann: Printed letters an entity of type: Instantiation

Hugo Nothmann: Printed letters 
Dr Hugo Nothmann worked as a teacher in Randegg, Austria before he, his wife and their son Alfred ('Fred') were ordered by the Gestapo to leave the town. Hugo and Fred moved to relatives in Berlin; his wife went to Gurs, France where she worked as a nurse. Nothmann was captured by the Gestapo and transported to Terezin ghetto where he was involved in educating children. Once Terezin was liberated he was transported to DP camp Deggendorf. Both, his wife and son perished in the Holocaust. After the Second World War, Nothmann continued to work as a teacher, received the Bundesverdienstkreuz (Federal Cross of Merit) and was an active member of a Christian Jewish Society. 
Hugo Nothmann: Printed letters 

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