. . "Correspondence and photographs of Julius Bloch"@eng . "Julius Bloch was born in Bühl/ Baden in June 1877. He became a member of the Jewish Gemeindevorstand in Pforzheim, Baden Wuerttemberg, in 1923; member of the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde, Frankfurt/ Main, where he was also chairman of the Jewish Welfare Committee and head of the regional office for the Hilfsverein der Juden in Deutschland. He was responsible for rationalisng the provision of welfare to Jews in Frankfurt by centralising the numerous smaller organisations into one large organisation. By May 1938 he was living in London. In 1946 he was deputy of the New Liberal Congregation, London. He died in London in 1956. The last letter was from the leader of the Jewish community in Baden, an old friend, reporting the desecration of some 20 gravestones in the Jewish cemetery there, 1955."@eng . "Correspondence and photographs of Julius Bloch"@eng . .