Youth Aliyah: Typed reports an entity of type: Instantiation

Youth Aliyah: Typed reports 
Youth Aliyah, a branch of the Zionist Movement, was founded with the intention of rescuing Jewish children and young people from hardship. It started its activities in Germany on the eve of the Nazis' rise to power and saved many children who had to leave their families or were orphaned by the Holocaust. It extended its work to include other countries when the need arose, and particularly after the establishment of the State of Israel, looked after many young people entrusted to its care by new immigrant parents already in the country.

The reports in this collection describe the experiences of children who reached Palestine in the midst of the war, which was a period when very few would have been successful in reaching their destination. The names of the children are represented as initials. They are dated Jerusalem. 
Youth Aliyah: Typed reports 

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