Rescue Movement of Refugees for the Persecuted: Correspondence an entity of type: Instantiation

Rescue Movement of Refugees for the Persecuted: Correspondence 
At 1045/33 an incomplete undated copy letter from F. G. Gertler, the apparent founder, states that the organisation was formed as the result of a meeting organised by him in London of a few refugee friends from Austria and Germany in early 1943. His idea was that if all refugees would be prepared to donate a percentage of their income in the form of a signed guarantee and place this account at the disposition of the High Commissioner's office for refugees, this might induce the then neutral European states, ie Switzerland, Sweden and Turkey, to open their doors to any Jew able to escape.

The idea received hardly any support from MPs and others in positions of authority and it appears that the plan never materialised. 
Rescue Movement of Refugees for the Persecuted: Correspondence 

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