N° 8747, 8852, 9270, 9545, 9584, 9842, 10156, 10172, 10218, 10232, 10278, 10316, 10337, 10340, 10411, 10416, 10440, 10669, 10672, 10712, 10713, 10782, 11163, 11196, 11248, 11259, 11262, 11372, 11406, 11531, 11583 à 11585.

http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/instantiations/fr-002374-fran_ir_054030-g1302-g3521-g5700-g6270-g6271-g6285-fra an entity of type: Instantiation

N° 8747, 8852, 9270, 9545, 9584, 9842, 10156, 10172, 10218, 10232, 10278, 10316, 10337, 10340, 10411, 10416, 10440, 10669, 10672, 10712, 10713, 10782, 11163, 11196, 11248, 11259, 11262, 11372, 11406, 11531, 11583 à 11585. 
N° 8747, 8852, 9270, 9545, 9584, 9842, 10156, 10172, 10218, 10232, 10278, 10316, 10337, 10340, 10411, 10416, 10440, 10669, 10672, 10712, 10713, 10782, 11163, 11196, 11248, 11259, 11262, 11372, 11406, 11531, 11583 à 11585. 

data from the linked data cloud