N° 5362, 5442, 5546, 5604, 5605, 6012, 7218, 7482, 7507, 7534, 7619, 7647, 7786, 7812, 8037, 8478, 8495, 8727, 9513, 9514, 9605, 9617, 9687, 10001, 10038, 10127, 10365, 10587 à 10591, 10608, 10662 à 10665, 10671.

http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/instantiations/fr-002374-fran_ir_054030-g1302-g3521-g5700-g5901-g5902-g5909-fra an entity of type: Instantiation

N° 5362, 5442, 5546, 5604, 5605, 6012, 7218, 7482, 7507, 7534, 7619, 7647, 7786, 7812, 8037, 8478, 8495, 8727, 9513, 9514, 9605, 9617, 9687, 10001, 10038, 10127, 10365, 10587 à 10591, 10608, 10662 à 10665, 10671. 
N° 5362, 5442, 5546, 5604, 5605, 6012, 7218, 7482, 7507, 7534, 7619, 7647, 7786, 7812, 8037, 8478, 8495, 8727, 9513, 9514, 9605, 9617, 9687, 10001, 10038, 10127, 10365, 10587 à 10591, 10608, 10662 à 10665, 10671. 

data from the linked data cloud