N° 36872, 36885, 36902, 36906, 36913, 36930, 36937, 36938, 36942, 36952, 36954, 36989, 37000, 37007, 37008, 37025, 37030, 37032, 37033, 37056, 37064, 37066 à 37068, 37074, 37097, 37105, 37118, 37122, 37123, 37126, 37165, 37174.

http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/instantiations/fr-002374-fran_ir_054030-g1302-g3521-g3522-g5401-g5402-g5528-fra an entity of type: Instantiation

N° 36872, 36885, 36902, 36906, 36913, 36930, 36937, 36938, 36942, 36952, 36954, 36989, 37000, 37007, 37008, 37025, 37030, 37032, 37033, 37056, 37064, 37066 à 37068, 37074, 37097, 37105, 37118, 37122, 37123, 37126, 37165, 37174. 
N° 36872, 36885, 36902, 36906, 36913, 36930, 36937, 36938, 36942, 36952, 36954, 36989, 37000, 37007, 37008, 37025, 37030, 37032, 37033, 37056, 37064, 37066 à 37068, 37074, 37097, 37105, 37118, 37122, 37123, 37126, 37165, 37174. 

data from the linked data cloud