Archiv městečka Slušovice an entity of type: Instantiation

Archiv městečka Slušovice 
The earliest record of Slušovice dates from 1261. From 1373, Slušovice belonged to the Lukov manor. In 1466, Slušovice was promoted to a market town. The municipality was originally headed by the Voigt, who represented the nobility. His position in the municipality gradually weakened at the expense of the town self-government (mayor and councilors). In the years 1850–1949, the district court in Vizovice exercised the first-instance jurisdiction over Slušovice. In 1850–1855, political supervision was exercised by the Uherský Brod district governor's office, in 1855–1868 by the Valašské Klobouky mixed district office, in 1868–1935 by the Holešov district office, and in 1935–1949 by the newly created Zlín district office. 
Archiv městečka Slušovice 

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