Archiv města Napajedla an entity of type: Instantiation

Archiv města Napajedla 
The first record of Napajedla dates from 1355. The owners of the Napajedla estate were the Žerotín family, followed by the Rotal family, and in the 19th century by the Stockau family. A district court was established in Napajedla (1850–1949) and in 1855–1868 a mixed district office combining the functions of judicial and political administration. For most of the time, however, the district office was seated in other towns, in 1850–1855 in Holešov and in 1868–1949 in Uherské Hradiště. In 1898, Napajedla was promoted to a town by the Emperor. Jews only began to settle in the town after 1848. They moved there from larger Jewish communities in the surrounding area. The local community fell under the administration of the Jewish community in Uherský Ostroh. It ran a prayer house where a school for Jewish children was based, too. 
Archiv města Napajedla 

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