Ministerstvo zemědělství I - sekretariát protektorátních ministrů, Praha an entity of type: Instantiation

Ministerstvo zemědělství I - sekretariát protektorátních ministrů, Praha 
The Czechoslovak Ministry of Agriculture was founded shortly after the independence of the new state from Austria-Hungary in autumn 1918. After the German occupation of the country the highest position in the Ministry of Agriculture were occupied by members of the German administration. Ministers of Agriculture in the Protectorate Gouvernment were from 1939 to 1940 Ladislav Karel Feierabend, shortly Jaroslav Krejčí, from 1940 to 1942 Mikuláš z Bubna-Litic and from 1942 to 1945 Adolf Hrubý. 
Ministerstvo zemědělství I - sekretariát protektorátních ministrů, Praha 

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