Kaufmannová, Heda

http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/instantiations/cz-002286-1981-eng-1981_eng an entity of type: Instantiation

Kaufmannová, Heda 
Heda Kaufmannová (24 April 1905 Prague - 7 August 1981 Prague), writer, translator and participant in the anti-Nazi domestic resistance, was born into a Jewish family in Prague, where she was brought up to belong to the Czech nation. She graduated from a girls' lyceum in Vinohrady, then completed a bookbinding course at the State Graphic School. In 1929, she had to leave her job as a bookbinder and then worked at the State Health Institute. In the interwar period she was an active member of the Scout movement. In March 1939 she applied for retirement to avoid dismissal on racial grounds. After the Nazi occupation, she became involved in resistance activities, where she was brought by her brother, MUDr. Viktor Kaufmann, who was one of the co-founders and leading figures of the resistance organization Petition Committee We Shall Remain Faithful. When she was summoned for the transport to the concentration camp in September 1942, she went underground. From June 1943, she took refuge with Hana and Eva Málková in Prague. After the end of the war, she learned of the execution of her brother, who had been arrested by the Gestapo in October 1941. After the war she worked in the State Planning Office. She voluntarily ended her life on 7 August 1981. 
Kaufmannová, Heda 

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