Archiv Syndikátu novinářů, Praha an entity of type: Instantiation

Archiv Syndikátu novinářů, Praha 
The first Czech journalistic association (the Society of Czech Journalists) was founded on 18 November 1877. At the turn of 1938-1939, restrictions on public life and the efforts to control it led to the government's pressure to establish a unified journalistic organization - the National Union of Journalists (9 June 1939). After the end of the Second World War, the prevailing opinion was that the press must not divide and polarize society by stirring up controversy according to the interests of individual publishers but must serve the development of the"people's democrati" Czechoslovakia. Steps were taken to establish a professional organization of journalists under the name of the Union of Czechoslovak Journalists. The law made membership in the Union compulsory for all editors. In 1972, the Czechoslovak Union of Journalists was established as a unified national professional organization. The Syndicate of Journalists of the Czech Republic became the successor organization after 1989. 
Archiv Syndikátu novinářů, Praha 

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