Statistical overviews of deportees from the Reich, Sudetenland and Austria to Terezín (I/122, II/33, II/34, II/35, IV/15e, V/II, VI/10, VIII/5, X/5, XI/5, XII/10, XIII/6, XIII/7, XVI/5, XVI/6, XIX/8, XIX/9, XIX/10, XIX/11, XIX/12, XIX/5). an entity of type: Instantiation

Statistical overviews of deportees from the Reich, Sudetenland and Austria to Terezín (I/122, II/33, II/34, II/35, IV/15e, V/II, VI/10, VIII/5, X/5, XI/5, XII/10, XIII/6, XIII/7, XVI/5, XVI/6, XIX/8, XIX/9, XIX/10, XIX/11, XIX/12, XIX/5). 
Statistical overviews of deportees from the Reich, Sudetenland and Austria to Terezín (I/122, II/33, II/34, II/35, IV/15e, V/II, VI/10, VIII/5, X/5, XI/5, XII/10, XIII/6, XIII/7, XVI/5, XVI/6, XIX/8, XIX/9, XIX/10, XIX/11, XIX/12, XIX/5). 

data from the linked data cloud