. . "Okresní úřad Pelhřimov I."@eng . "From 1 February 1850, the Pelhřimov District Governor's Office was established for the Pelhřimov and Kamenice regions. In 1855, the political administration was merged with the judiciary, and the so-called Mixed District Office of Pelhřimov and the Mixed District Office of Kamenice nad Lipou were established. In 1868, the Pelhřimov District Governor's Office was restored. In 1919, it was renamed the Pelhřimov Political District Administration, and on 1 December 1928, the Pelhřimov District Office. The Jewish communities in Černovice, Horní Cerekev, Hořepník, Kamenice nad Lipou, Lukavec, Nová Cerekvi, Nová Včelnice, Pacov, Pavlov and Pelhřimov fell under the administration of the originator. In 1945, it was replaced by the Pelhřimov District National Committee."@eng . "Okresní úřad Pelhřimov I."@eng . .