Archiv města Třešť an entity of type: Instantiation

Archiv města Třešť 
Třešť had been a non-royal town with a strong Jewish minority since the 15th century. Jews were mentioned to live in Třešť as early as the second half of the 13th century. From 1686, the compact Jewish settlement (ghetto) had been separated from the Christian community. In 1850–1864 Třešť was part of the judicial district of Jihlava, and in 1864–1911 a part of the judicial district of Jihlava-Country. In 1902, Třešť was promoted to a town. In 1908 the judicial district of Třešť was declared to be established and in 1911 came into being, ceasing to exist in 1949. 
Archiv města Třešť 

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