. . "Židovská náboženská obec Hradec Králové"@eng . "This is the fonds of the Jewish Religious Community in Hradec Králové, but the files mainly relate to Nový Bydžov.Hradec Králové has been an important city since the Middle Ages. The first report on Jewish settlement dates back to the 14th century, when the Jewish Square and a plan are documented in the surviving documents. There was no synagogue or Jewish school at that time. In 1454 the Jews were expelled from the city. In 1651, Hradec had several Jewish inhabitants and their own rabbi (David Tachovský). In 1860, there was already a Jewish community with an elected board there. In 1877, a funeral fraternity was founded. As a result of internal disputes, the election of the board ceased to be elected in 1890. In the period 1890-1894, the municipality was administered by a committee. Afterwards, Bohumír Weiss was elected the mayor, and the election of the mayor lasted until 1933. In 1905, a synagogue was built in the city instead of the then prayer house."@eng . "Židovská náboženská obec Hradec Králové"@eng . .