. . "Okresní národní výbor Jílové; District Office of Praha-venkov-jih (1942 - 1945); The tax office Jílové; District National Committee Jílové; District National Committee Praha-venkov (1945 - 1960)"@eng . "The district of Jílové was had been part of the Praha-venkov-jih district since 1942. It became independent in 1945. In 1958, the name of the district was changed from Praha-východ to the Jílové district, and the District National Committe was also moved there from Prague. In 1960, the majority of the district was incorporated into the district of Praha-západ, several municipalities being attached to other districts."@eng . "Okresní národní výbor Jílové; District Office of Praha-venkov-jih (1942 - 1945); The tax office Jílové; District National Committee Jílové; District National Committee Praha-venkov (1945 - 1960)"@eng . .