Archiv obce Hroubovice an entity of type: Instantiation

Archiv obce Hroubovice 
The municipality of Hroubovice belonged to the Košumberk and Chrást estates in the 19th century. There had been an important Jewish community in the municipality since the 18th century. At the beginning of the 19th century, it formed up to 50 percent of the municipality's population. At the end of the 18th century, an independent Jewish religious community was established, and a ghetto was built, in the center of which stood a synagogue and a school - until the 1970s. There were many Jewish businessmen and a few factories in the municipality, e.g. the Werner and Werson shoe factory, the V. Klein chemical factory, and several domestic manufacturers (Lampl, Nettl, Husch). The Mandelík family is important. 
Archiv obce Hroubovice 

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