Archiv města Berouna an entity of type: Instantiation

Archiv města Berouna 
Beroun as a town is mentioned in a document from 1265. The town was administered by the town office with 12 councilors and the mayor. The regulated municipality office was established in 1786 and functioned until 1849. After 1848, a Jewish minority engaged in trade began to form there. The Jews had their own prayer house and cemetery.From 1850, the elected town council headed the mayor administered the town affairs. Since 1855, the town was the seat of the district governor's office, in 1868 being transferred to Hořovice. In 1936, the district office was restored there. During the German occupation, a government commissioner was appointed the mayor. In 1945, a revolutionary national committee was established there. 
Archiv města Berouna 

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