Memorbuch - Juden in St. Pölten an entity of type: Instantiation
Memorbuch - Juden in St. Pölten
The „Memorbuch“ (book of remembrance or memory book)"Juden-in-st-poelten.a" contains - according to our current knowledge - the names of all persons who were persecuted as Jews in the area of the IKG St. Pölten from 1938 to 1945 following the"Nuremberg Race Law". Direct relatives, if known, are also entered under the respective name. For those people who could only be identified by means of registration slips and deportation lists, we were only able to determine the key biographical data. Where we were able to get in touch directly or with descendants, more detailed biographical information can be found, in some cases also photos, documents and interviews. The „Memorbuc" is dynamic: new information is constantly being added.
Memorbuch - Juden in St. Pölten